
example in doc: from socha import * not sufficient

Closed this issue · 1 comments

kwollw commented


Using the example from "Getting started" IClientHandler and Starter will not be resolved.


  • Python version: 3.11.2
  • Operating System: Debian 12
  • Version of the Python SoCha Client: 2.0.2

Expected Behavior

Getting Starting example running out of the box

Actual Behavior

NameError: name 'IClientHandler' is not defined
after adding from socha.api.networking.game_client import IClientHandler :
NameError: name 'Starter' is not defined

Additional Context

The example should be replaced by this file:

from socha.api.networking.game_client import IClientHandler
from socha.starter import Starter
from socha import *

class Logic(IClientHandler):
    gameState: GameState

    def calculate_move(self) -> Move:
        m = Move(actions = [Advance(1)])
        return m

    def on_update(self, state: GameState):
        self.gameState = state

if __name__ == "__main__":

The README has not been updated in this respect. I will fix this. For now, please use this file as a reference: