
How can I Tell if Freeze is Working?

hbomatt opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using React-Navigation v6 along with the latest version of react-native-screens and have followed the Quick Start Guide for React-Navigation... but how can I tell that it's actually doing anything? enableFreeze(true); seems to have zero effect on the app that I'm working on. I've been testing on Web (react-native-web) but haven't been able to confirm that it is even working.

  • I don't see any Freeze components in the component hierarchy using React Developer Tools in Chrome, running on Web via react-native-web.
  • I don't see any new Suspense-related components after enabling react-freeze.
  • react-native-screens doesn't seem to provide a freezeEnabled() method, like screensEnabled()...
  • I haven't noticed any change in performance when doing tasks like resizing the browser window with a navigation backstack of 10+ screens.

Stepping into the enableFreeze call, I see:

export function enableFreeze(shouldEnableReactFreeze = true) {// noop

How can I confirm whether react-freeze is actually working? I followed the documentation but it seems to no-op?

I'm using react-native-screens 3.13.1.


This seems to be an issue with react-native-screens not supporting react-freeze on Web, so I filed software-mansion/react-native-screens#1359.