
Remove Suspense when freeze false

xotahal opened this issue · 1 comments

More of a question than an issue I would say. Why do we need Suspense here

The react-freeze is used by react-navigation. I don't use the freeze option but my screens go to suspense in this library and render null. I believe there would be a way to propagate placeholder and display something, but I already have suspense in my app. I want that suspense to catch the promise.

I can submit a PR with something like this:

if (!freeze) {
  return <Fragment>{props.children}</Fragment>

I just wanted to validate first

Found this comment - software-mansion/react-native-screens#1538 (comment). Which I guess answers my question.

Anyway, I experience issues caused by this suspense. When I render a simple navigator with react-navigation:

    <Stack.Screen component={Authorized} />

And the Authorized goes to Suspense it will never get rendered on screen when using version of react-native-screens with react-freeze (if I use console.logs in the Authorized component it prints them). As soon as I switch to react-native-screens@3.8.0 everything works. (react-freeze was added in 3.9.0).