
[Bug]: Not reading W consumption values

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Konycz commented

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Used Hardware?

Wemos D1 Mini

What happened?

Correct loading of inverter consumption values

Screenshots / Fotos

From the beginning it worked for approx. 2 days, after that the consumption is loaded once in approx. 2 hours, charging the battery, etc. everything is fine

Steps To Reproduce

No response



Relevant livejson output

Solar In:
0V 0A 0W
Grid In:
1V 0Hz
AC Out:
228V 50Hz
AC Load:
0Va 0W 0%
27.19V 100% 100%
SCC | IN | Out:
0V 0A 1A
Inverter Mode:

What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


looks like your inverter use another sorting of data, your tempm value is the indicator

Konycz commented

Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 16-55-32 Historie – Home Assistant
This will certainly not be the temperature value.... because it correctly reads 90W here and that's what the display of the inverter shows me.
The value is prescribed to me in MQTT, but only approx. 1 time per hour

your inverter send the data in the wrong order, you can actual nothing do.
i work on a complete new version but that need a lot of time

Konycz commented

But according to the display of the inverter, the consumption is 89-92W and this is not shown anywhere. And if by chance it shows the correct value there, at that moment the load of the converter in percentage is also shown (which also shows correctly), but only for a moment and then again on both the value is 0

And when will you release it approximately with the completion time of the new version?

sure, thats missreading of the inverter data, what for model you have?

i dont have a timeline ore something, its a hobby and i work on other projects too

check with the watchpower software and a com-usb cable to communicate, when this work, enable debug output on the software and post the log files here

Konycz commented


This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 14 days since being marked as stale.