
[Bug]: Why information from Inverter not showing up just one blink and missing

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Used Hardware?

Wemos D1 Mini

What happened?

Information from Inverter not showing up just for a moment and missing

Screenshots / Fotos


Steps To Reproduce

First version is showing data


1.x.x and above

Relevant livejson output


What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


What you mean with First Version Work? What for a First Version?
What for a dongle you use?
What for Inverter? Protocol?

Need more information about your Setup and at wich Point of Change it Stop working.

Edit: in your issue description you Point that you use a wemos d1 Mini... You have flashed the dongle Version, that mismatch.

  • V0.5.1
  • wemos d1 mini
  • easun smh 3k

with this version it works:)
yes i know about mismatch but i was try all versions :)

Please read the Wiki, since V1.x.x the Connection to the ESP have changed.
With v1 the complete communication has rewriten, so i dont know exactly what going wrong.

So i need more information
Can you provide The debug Log from webserial and USB after checking and Change the wireing

ok i'll stay on old version because it is works:)