
request add params direct on {{t9n code param1="thera" param2="..."}}?

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request add params direct on {{t9n code}} like:

{{t9n code name="Theara" param2="..."}}

Yoy can try {{t9n code [name: "Theara", param2:"..."] }}, this should work already.

I try, but not work.

Try this: {{t9n 'code' name='Theara' param2='...'}} and let me know. I made a little fix.

still not work show: Hi @{name}

When I register 'de', 'code': 'Hi @{name}' and then call {{t9n 'code' name='Theara'}} in the template I get Hi Theara. Let's find out what is different. Do you work with my latest checkin?

I try run meteor update, but can't see new version (softwarerero:accounts-t9n@1.0.8)

after i check source code in .meteor folder,

Meteor.startup(function() {
  if (Meteor.isClient) {
    return UI.registerHelper('t9n', function(x, params) {
      return T9n.get(x, true, params);

Right, it is not in 1.0.8. Would you be able to test with the current trunk? If not I will release 1.0.9.

wait for your update.

Very thanks, please update docs.

wow, I run meteor update but don't get the new version.

1.0.9 is out