
Activities von SWK auf Meetup veröffentlichen

NicoleRauch opened this issue · 7 comments

  • Gruppe bestimmt, ob Meetup oder SWK das führende System für Activities ist

  • Nur die Activities für Gruppen von Meetup holen, wo Meetup das führende System ist

  • Bei den Activities der Gruppen, wo SWK das führende System ist, einen Knopf zum Pushen einblenden

  • Nach dem Pushen die Meetup-ID bei der Activity hinterlegen

  • Bei wiederholtem Pushen die Meetup-Activity nur aktualisieren

  • Authentication?!

  • Wie ist das wenn eine Activity von Meetup kam und danach die SWK zum führenden System wird? Kann ich dann die heruntergeladene Activity wieder hochpushen? Welche Voraussetzungen müssen erfüllt sein, damit das klappt?

  • Wie manage ich die Meetup-ID? In der URL der Activity? Benenne ich die URL um, wenn eine Activity zu Meetup gepusht wird?

I setup a self contained sample project that retrieves an oauth2 token from meetup using passport and then create an event using this token.

You have to setup an oauth2 client with meetup here:

Create a conf.js file in the directory:
{ "clientID": "oauth client id", "clientSecret": "oauth client secret" }

Run the sample with node index.js and open http://localhost:3000

Oh, großartig! Ich schaue mal, ob ich die nächsten Tage dazu komme, softwerkskammerseitig die Anbindung zu bauen.

Converting the activity description (markup, formatting) to a meetup description (no markup) might be hard to automate. What about starting with only putting a link back to the agora activity into the meetup description?

I was thinking of doing the same as what you did manually: Just use the description and ignore the fact that it contains markup :-D
But adding the link sounds like the better option. By the way, is it even possible to add links to the description?

The meetup api documentation states that it supports a subset of html (a, i and b). I was not able to to get this working in event descriptions using the web ui.

Hmm... Just a wild guess: You‘re sending the description via URL Parameter, I guess? Then you might need to urlencode() it in order to work?
If that does not help: Can you pls further specify „not able to get this working“?

I did not tried this with API call. I tried to do it with the meetup web ui.
And there I entered <i>text</i> into the description and the tags got stripped out.
Same for b and a tags.