
titiler integration / similar Monticello project

AndrewAnnex opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey all, first I just want to say I was able to successfully test the project locally on a m1 mac using orbstack fairly quickly and I am impressed by the work done so far.

I was interested in asking about what the long term goals of this project are, as I had started a similar project called Monticello ( but I am not funded to work on it and maybe I could contribute to this project instead of copying back functionality as you are all further along than me at this point. One way I could contribute to start is that I already implemented support for pymartini in my project so I could work on that contribution.

My project differs in one major way which was to integrate with titiler, and I was curious if that was considered for this project. I can see pros and cons at this point for making that change for sure though.

For my project the other goal was to support a wider range of CRSs (particularly for the Moon and planets like Mars) which in principal are supported by the 3D tiles specification although may not work directly with Cesium and instead projects like 3DTilesRendererJS may support more directly. As I am fairly new to the cesium format/3d tiles spec I am not sure I am well equipped to quickly add support for additional CRSs without some guidance, but I can certainly help with testing and validation, providing example datasets, etc.

let me know your thoughts and thanks!

bertt commented

Hi, for terrains of various planets see (uses CesiumJS) maybe good for inspiration

tebben commented

Hi Andrew,

The goal of this project is to be able to serve country wide terrain tiles without the need to fully generate a cache in advance for our digital-twins. The plan is to also be able to serve more than Quantized Meshes like RGB tiles for Mapbox/Maplibre. The Cesium part in the name will likely be replaced if we serve more than Quantized Meshes.

I knew about Titiler and even used it before but to be honest didn't think about the possibility of integrating with titiler.

Going beyond our globe should be possible and would be a realy nice addition but is out of scope for v1.0 since it does not fit our use-case.

We realy appreciate contributions but we just started with this project last week and the code is likely to change heavily, therefore we do not accept pull request until we have a v1.0 release. I'm sorry for the effort you already put in.