
Delete stale branches

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The DPsim repo on GitHub has currently quite a number of stale branches. We should aim at removing the number of open branches and delete or merge them wherever possible.

Here is list of open branches:

Hi, @stv0g, thanks for creating this issue.
To move this forward and eventually close the issue we can:
1. Identify Stale Branches

  • We can use this list of stale branches. These are the branches with >3 months without a commit. Or we could may be use our own more relaxed definition of stale, e.g., 1 year without a commit.

2. Assign Ownership

  • Assign each stale branch to its creator.

3. Set a Response Deadline

  • Give creators 1 month to confirm if their branch is needed or can be deleted.

4. Delete Unclaimed Branches

  • Delete branches with no response after the deadline.

what do you think?