
🎉 srpc tools: simple generator for building Workflow and SRPC projects

holmes1412 opened this issue · 0 comments

SRPC has released a tool srpc to quickly build projects in Release v0.10.0 👏👏👏

It can automatically pulling dependencies, deploying directories, generating cmake compiling files, default configurations, and sample codes.

SPRC项目在Release v0.10.0中发布了名为srpc的小工具,可以快速构建Workflow和SRPC项目,包括自动拉取依赖、部署目录、生成编译文件、默认配置和示例代码。

  1. source code, documents in English, 中文文档 and wiki

  2. usage:

	Simple generator for building Workflow and SRPC projects.


Available Commands:
    http    - create project with both client and server
    redis   - create project with both client and server
    rpc     - create project with both client and server
    proxy   - create proxy for some client and server protocol
    file    - create project with asynchronous file service
    compute - create project with asynchronous computing service
  1. simple example:
./srpc http project_name1
  1. usage steps

The tool srpc will help us automatically pull the necessary submodules. However, some software and libraries still need to be installed by users on their own systems, such as cmake and ssl (and possibly protobuf). Here are the usage steps showing the command to execute and the required installation.

srpc小工具会自动拉取必要的子模块。 然而,一些软件和库仍然需要用户自行安装,比如 cmake 和 ssl(如果小工具的命令是srpc相关,那么可能需要安装 protobuf)。 下图展示了使用步骤,包括要执行的命令和要安装的依赖。
