
[BUG] kernel/msgqueue.h -- Not Bug.

daidai21 opened this issue · 4 comments

#include <stdio.h>
#include "./msgqueue.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  msgqueue_t* tmp_mq = msgqueue_create(10, 0);
  char str[] = "hello";

  msgqueue_put(str, tmp_mq);
  char* p = msgqueue_get(tmp_mq);
  printf("%s\n", p);
  printf("%c\n", *p++);

  return 0;
➜  workflow gcc example.c msgqueue.c;./a.out
[1]    64749 segmentation fault  ./a.out

Not a bug.
The second argument of msgqueue_create() is the offset from the head each message, where users have to reserve bytes of a pointer size for internal linking. This will reduce the allocating and freeing of memory.
In you case, maybe:

int main(void)
    msgqueue_t *mq = msgqueue_create(10, -sizeof (void *));
    char str[sizeof (void *) + 6];
    char *p = str + sizeof (void *);
    strcpy(p, "hello");
    msgqueue_put(p, mq);
    p = msgqueue_get(mq);
    printf("%s\n", p);
    return 0;

Not a bug. The second argument of msgqueue_create() is the offset from the head each message, where users have to reserve bytes of a pointer size for internal linking. This will reduce the allocating and freeing of memory. In you case, maybe:

int main(void)
    msgqueue_t *mq = msgqueue_create(10, -sizeof (void *));
    char str[sizeof (void *) + 6];
    char *p = str + sizeof (void *);
    strcpy(p, "hello");
    msgqueue_put(p, mq);
    p = msgqueue_get(mq);
    printf("%s\n", p);
    return 0;

msgqueue_t *mq = msgqueue_create(10, -1);
char str[1 + 6];
char p = str + 1;
strcpy(p, "hello");
msgqueue_put(p, mq);
p = (char
printf("%s\n", p);
return 0;


