
Scribe Notes from BU CS558 Spring 2017 Offering

Primary LanguageHTML

CS 558 Network Security

Scribe Notes Spring 2017

To post scribe notes, go to the _posts folder and create a pull request.

This can easily be done from the browser by going to the _posts folder and clicking Create new file in the upper right.


  1. Name your file YYYY-MM-DD-title.md for example 2017-02-15-RSA.md

  2. Write your notes in github flavored markdown. See this cheetsheet.

  3. Include at the top of the file the following front matter:

    layout: notes
    title: RSA Security 
    scribe: Your Name
    Notes go here...
  4. When you're done write a commit message and click Propose new file

  5. Click "Creat Pull Request", and the TAs will review and approve it.

  6. Drop a star for your favorite TA 😎

See an example here

Including Images

Inline images can be easily included


  1. Upload image to img/ folder
  2. Reference image in markdown
![alt text]({{ site.url }}/img/name_of_img.jpg "Title")

Preview files locally

If you want to preview your notes locally you'll need to install jekyll. Then, just run:

jekyll serve

For Ubuntu:

You will also need to install ruby version >= 2.0.0 and any dependencies that come up.

Then, from the main directory of the repository, just run:

 bundle exec jekyll serve

It will tell you which address to go to in your browser to preview the page (default is http://localhost:4000).