
This is an Android app which is used to add, edit or remove products. The app is built in Java and uses Sqllite database.

Primary LanguageJava


This is an Android app which is used to add, edit or remove products. The app is built in Java and uses SQLite database. The home screen of the app has a menu that contains options to add dummy data and delete all products. It also has a floating action button, which when clicked, opens the Editor Activity. The Editor Activity contains fields to add the product name, quantity, price and image. The added products are displayed as a list on the home screen. On clicking each product, the Editor Activity opens up where the product can be edited. The sell button on each product, when clicked, decreases the quantity of that particular product by 1 unit.

Home Menu Dummy Data Inserted

Empty Editor Activity Filled Up Editor Activity Home Screen

Error saving when name is blank Alert Dialog Delete Product

Link to the video showing the simulation of the app: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/46050303/106261773-0f5f4000-6248-11eb-8e69-dbc064e40ed0.mp4