
Project Feedback!

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๐Ÿ‘ nice work. The point of this homework was to explore a simple example of a full MVC application with a RESTful API. Good job tackling a few optional features, the more you can implement each week, the more of the iOS framework you'll be able to explore.

Here's a checklist of things that I'm looking for in this project. You should review the checklist, and make any changes to your project, if necessary.

  • Code styling. Check out the Ray Wenderlich Swift Style Guide and the Github Swift Style Guide
  • Using groups to organize your source files. It's pretty common to organize your source files into Groups, especially for larger projects. You can organize by type of class (i.e. View Controllers, Views, etc) or for larger apps by functionality (i.e. Home Screen, Search Screen, etc).
  • Minimize the number of public functions and properties in your classes. You should always try to minimize the number of properties and functions that are public or internal. If unspecified, the scope is internal.
  • Set the Content Mode for your ImageViews. By default the UIContentMode will stretch the image to match the dimensions of the image view, which is probably not what you want. You usually want it set to Aspect Fill with clip subviews.
  • Avoid naming collisions inside of your UITableViewCell. When creating a custom cell make sure to never name a property imageView, titleLabel, or subtitleLabel. Those are already defined by UITableViewCell and using them in your custom cell will cause subtle things to happen such as image views not loading until you click on the cell.
  • Model classes. Creating a Movie model class will allow you move the deserialization code out of the view controller. You should also create a movie property in your custom cell and use a property observer to update the cell's subviews. There are certain libraries like SwiftyJSON that remove the need for a lot of boilerplate code and make it easier to convert from JSON to your model objects. Other popular repositories include Argo, ObjectMapper, and Decodable
  • Next week, we'll cover how to use Auto Layout constraints to implement dynamic height rows and adjust to synopsis of different length.

In general, you should challenge yourself to create visually polished applications. That's where you'll find all the rough edges of the iOS framework and earn the next level of mastery.