
Inferno does not appear

benajamin opened this issue · 2 comments

Playing through Solarus DX version 1.9 on Gentoo, I got stuck after finishing the "Ancient Castle" where I obtained the first "Fire Stone". After consulting the walkthrough videos, I found that the "Inferno" NPC is not present in my game. I was able to obtain all three "Fire Stones", but cannot progress further since I find no "Inferno" to give the "Fire Stones" to.

Are you sure you finished the Ancient Castle? Did you kill the boss? If you forget to kill the boss, then Inferno does not appear.

You are entirely correct - I did not kill the boss in the Ancient Castle. I went back and killed him and then inferno appeared, as expected.
While playing, I had thought that maybe it was intended that the Ancient Castle should feel "incomplete" in order to indicate that I would need to go back after doing something elsewhere in the world. Perhaps some stronger hint that the Ancient Castle must be completed first would be a good idea. I suggest that (after going through the moving spikes) when you walk across the upper level of the castle to get to the maze with lots of teleport pads, the boss should be seen on the top-most level. If the boss were to also create some time pressure, like threatening Saharasala, then that would also serve to let the player know for sure that they should keep trying to complete the level.

Anyway, no bug to see here.
Congratulations on making a really fun and impressive game, too!