

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Could we render **bold** and *italics*? Using escape sequences, if enabled by an option? As a first step, I'd just use two escape codes:

echo -e "\x1b[1m this is bold \x1b[0m"
echo -e "\x1b[3m this is italic \x1b[0m"

What do you think?

VF-1 can't render - or not render - anything! All it does is write the gopher response to a temp file and then hand that file off to an external program, e.g. cat (which won't render the above). I like this system very much and don't want to change it, so VF-1 is not the place to address this.

But I like the idea a lot and had actually been thinking just in these past few days that once 1.0.0 is out I would like to start a small standalone project for a kind of "souped up cat" specifically to be used as a VF-1 handler for plain/text (and maybe plain/html, too?) which used escape codes and unicode characters (so that, e.g. the bullets in a MarkDown list could be not asterices but actual nice round bullets) to format things nicely. This would be a great tool to explore the potential for upgrading the gopher user experience without making any protocol-level changes.

Just saw mdcat exists.