
Update config.proxyUrl once goes live

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Once is up and running a proxy endpoint, update the default proxyUrl in the config file to point to{uri} instead of the current databox address.

deiu commented

Is there a reason why we want to do that?

Yes, for two reasons.

  1. Gold's proxy currently has a bug - see linkeddata/gold#67 that is messing with some profile loading use cases
  2. Once ldnode/#258-Add ability for Proxy to follow redirects gets implemented, ldnode's proxy will be preferable to gold's feature-wise.
deiu commented

Gold added a fix in linkeddata/gold@6c754b1

timbl commented

Also removing the cross-dependency increases the robustness -- you don't have to have both running to do anything

Closing, no longer relevant.