
Failed tests when running over Trinpod

Opened this issue · 5 comments

When I run tests over tinpod got this result:

Test Suites: 5 failed, 2 passed, 7 total
Tests:       25 failed, 31 skipped, 13 passed, 69 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        413.725 s

the result of actions on tests is very different from the expected results. this is one of them:

  ● Alice's pod › GET JSON-LD › As Turtle › Triples

    expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

    Expected: ArrayContaining [["<>", "<>", "Links Bike Shop"], ["<>", "<>", "The most \"linked\" bike store on earth!"], ["<>", "<>", "<>"]]
    Received: [[Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array], [Array]]

Those conneg tests are quite fiddly, I think it's not a real problem.
What are the other tests that fail?

Yes, we have these errors in other tests also.
as an example in update.test.ts :

● Update › Using PATCH to replace triple (same content) › updates the resource

    expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

    Expected: ArrayContaining [{"graph": {"classOrder": 5, "termType": "NamedNode", "value": ""}, "object": {"classOrder": 5, "termType": "NamedNode", "value": ""}, "predicate": {"classOrder": 5, "termType": "NamedNode", "value": ""}, "subject": {"classOrder": 5, "termType": "NamedNode", "value": ""}}]
    Received: [[Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement], [Statement]]

And this is in delete.test.ts:

`● Delete › non-empty container › leaves the resource

expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

- Expected  -   1
+ Received  + 149

- Hello World
+ @base <> .
+ @prefix gmxo: <> .
+ @prefix solid-tests: <> .
+ @prefix xsd: <> .
+ @prefix rdf: <> .
+ @prefix ttk-i: <> .
+ @prefix prov: <> .
+ @prefix rdfs: <> .
+ @prefix sio: <> .
+ @prefix trinity: <> .
+ @prefix solid: <> .
+ @prefix neo: <> .
+ @prefix ocds: <> .
+ @prefix foaf: <> .
+ @prefix ldp: <> .
+ @prefix as: <> .
+ @prefix event: <> .
+ @prefix schema: <> .
+ @prefix vcard: <> .
+ @prefix gmx: <> .
+ @prefix pico: <> .
+ @prefix space: <> .
+ @prefix tl: <> .
+ @prefix obo: <> .
+ @prefix pext: <> .
+ @prefix opmv: <> .
+ <> 
+     neo:m_tag "/"^^<xsd:string> ;
+     ldp:contains <> ;
+     neo:m_last-change solid-tests:t_4o1 ;
+     a ldp:BasicContainer , solid:Account ;
+     rdfs:label "Solid-Tests: Storage"@en .
+ <> 
+     neo:m_tag "solid-tests"^^<xsd:string> ;
+     neo:m_last-change solid-tests:t_a4 ;
+     a neo:s_solid-user ;
+     solid:account <> ;
+     space:storage <> .
+ <> 
+     neo:m_tag "solid-crud-tests-1655448253520"^^<xsd:string> ;
+     ldp:contains <> ;
+     neo:m_last-change solid-tests:t_4o1 ;
+     a ldp:BasicContainer .
+ <> 
+     neo:m_tag "exists.txt"^^<xsd:string> ;
+     a sio:SIO_000148 .
+ <> 
+     neo:m_tag "exists"^^<xsd:string> ;
+     ldp:contains <> ;
+     neo:m_last-change solid-tests:t_4o1 ;
+     a ldp:BasicContainer .
+ sio:SIO_000148 
+     neo:m_last-change solid-tests:t_a4 ;
+     a opmv:Artifact ;
+     rdfs:label "document"@en .
+ rdf:type rdfs:label "type"^^<xsd:string> .
+ trinity:t_2ac 
+     neo:m_tag "f_solid-container-add"^^<xsd:string> ;
+     a neo:f_create , neo:e_result ;
+     rdfs:label "create container"@en , "create container"^^<xsd:string> .
+ neo:s_property rdfs:label "property"@en .
+ <> 
+     a prov:Contributor ;
+     sio:SIO_000586 trinity:t_2ac .
+ ldp:BasicContainer 
+     neo:m_last-change solid-tests:t_a4 ;
+     a opmv:Artifact ;
+     rdfs:label "BasicContainer"^^<xsd:string> .
+ neo:m_tag rdfs:label "trinTag"@en .
+ sio:SIO_000000 rdfs:label "Entity"@en .
+ neo:s_characteristic rdfs:label "characteristic"@en .
+ solid:Account 
+     neo:m_cid "a_solid-account"^^<xsd:string> ;
+     neo:m_last-change solid-tests:t_a4 ;
+     a opmv:Artifact .
+ rdfs:label rdfs:label "Label"@en .
+ opmv:Artifact rdfs:label "Artifact"@en .
+ neo:substance rdfs:label "Substance"@en .
+ sio:SIO_000776 rdfs:label "Object"@en .
+ neo:e_result rdfs:label "Result"@en .
+ neo:f_function rdfs:label "function"@en .
+ neo:f_create 
+     a neo:s_type ;
+     rdfs:label "create"@en .
+ solid-tests:t_a4 
+     neo:t_end solid-tests:t_9 ;
+     neo:t_start solid-tests:t_9 ;
+     obo:OBI_0000308 ttk-i:t_9y ;
+     a event:Event , as:Create .
+ solid-tests:t_9 
+     neo:i_function tl:at ;
+     neo:o_result "2022-06-10T07:23:54.483581-07:00"^^<xsd:dateTime> ;
+     a sio:SIO_000614 .
+ pext:User rdfs:label "User"^^<xsd:string> .
+ neo:s_member rdfs:label "Member"^^<xsd:string> .
+ solid-tests:t_4o1 
+     neo:t_end solid-tests:t_4nn ;
+     neo:t_start solid-tests:t_4nn ;
+     obo:OBI_0000308 solid-tests:t_fu ;
+     a event:Event , as:Create .
+ solid-tests:t_4nn 
+     neo:i_function tl:at ;
+     neo:o_result "2022-06-16T23:44:38.058385-07:00"^^<xsd:dateTime> ;
+     a sio:SIO_000614 .
+ neo:s_instance rdfs:label "Instance"^^<xsd:string> .
+ ldp:RDFSource rdfs:label "RDFSource"^^<xsd:string> .
+ neo:s_content rdfs:label "Content"@en .
+ neo:s_element rdfs:label "Element"@en .
+ space:Storage rdfs:label "Storage"@en .
+ pico:Condition rdfs:label "Condition"@en .
+ neo:s_group rdfs:label "Group"^^<xsd:string> .
+ ldp:Container rdfs:label "LDP Container"@en .
+ <> 
+     neo:m_tag "f_solid-function"^^<xsd:string> ;
+     rdfs:label "solid protocol function"@en .
+ rdfs:Resource rdfs:label "Resource"^^<xsd:string> .
+ neo:s_solid-user neo:m_cid "s_solid-user"^^<xsd:string> .
+ prov:Contributor rdfs:label "Contributor"@en .
+ vcard:Group rdfs:label "Group"@en .
+ neo:y_system rdfs:label "System"@en .
+ neo:s_type rdfs:label "Type"@en .
+ schema:CreateAction rdfs:label "CreateAction"^^<xsd:string> .
+ neo:o_result rdfs:label "Result"@en .
+ schema:Action rdfs:label "Action"^^<xsd:string> .
+ neo:s_as-object-or-link rdfs:label "Activitystream Ontology Class"@en .
+ neo:e_time rdfs:label "Time"@en .
+ event:Event rdfs:label "Event"@en .
+ as:Activity rdfs:label "Activity"@en .
+ as:Create rdfs:label "Create"@en .
+ neo:s_as-activity-or-relationship neo:m_cid "s_as-activity-or-relationship"^^<xsd:string> .
+ neo:m_cid rdfs:label "Concept ID"@en .
+ foaf:Agent rdfs:label "Agent"^^<xsd:string> .
+ ocds:Change rdfs:label "Change"@en .
+ <> 
+     a prov:Contributor ;
+     rdfs:label "TrinServer™:"^^<xsd:string> ;
+     sio:SIO_000586 trinity:t_rr .
+ sio:SIO_000380 rdfs:label "Container"@en .
+ neo:m_last-change rdfs:label "last change"@en .
+ trinity:t_rr 
+     a neo:e_result ;
+     rdfs:label "make TrinPod™"^^<xsd:string> .
+ <> 
+     neo:m_tag "f_trinserver-function"^^<xsd:string> ;
+     rdfs:label "TrinPod™ function"@en .
+ sio:SIO_000090 rdfs:label "specification"@en .
+ neo:s_ldp-user neo:m_cid "s_ldp-user"^^<xsd:string> .
+ neo:i_function rdfs:label "function"@en .


Bear in mind that TrinPod works with a data model in a different way to other implementations and is not file based. When you get a resource, you may get other triples with it related to its context in the larger data model. I don't think this is wrong but the issue is that the tests are using equality - making a false assumption about the expected response. If you confirm that the response contains the expected triples this should resolve a number of issues.

In general servers are allowed to add arbitrary triples to RDF resources. But in this particular case, a text/plain resource was used -
We'll look into it in a few weeks, when the TrinPod team are ready (see