
BabylonJS made Simple

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Easy to use wrapper for BabylonJS
Live Demo => https://solid-droid.github.io/Simple3D/app


Make a 3d scene easily with presets
Make a 3d scene in less than 10 lines of code
Easily manage extended events and properties
Easily manage resourses and models
Make syntax Simple and Minimal

How to Use

Library uses typescript and ESbuild to generate final javascript bundle.

  • clone the project
  • npm install
  • npm run start This will check files for changes and rebuilds automatically
  • If you are using VScode IDE, then run live-server extension for live view of the website.
  • Bundled Script is available in bundle folder
  • App folder holds the basic app code (JS should be kept in app/scripts and main.js is the entry point for ESbuild)
  • You can keep html anywhere, (But use the bundle/main.js)


ESbuild supports both JS and TS code.

//initialize babylonjs Scene (with few extra basic setups like camera , lights ,etc..)
 const scene = new Simple3D('canvas3D');
//box3D creates a 3d box with many customization features
const box = new box3D();

//ground2D creates a 2d plane/ground.
const ground = new ground2D();

//updating box3D parameters. everything is chainable.
 // dom events => click, rightClick, leftClick, mouseEnter, mouseExit etc...
 box.on('longClick',(e)=> {

// dimension and show grid
ground.set.scale(10, 10)

// tweenjs is a great library for creating animations
new TWEEN.Tween(box)
         .to({height:5}, 2000)
         .onUpdate(() => {
         // custom utils method to rotate around pivot => solar system like animations.
                new Vector3(0.5, 0, 0.5), 
                new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 

// custom scene methods for debugging purpose
// pass methods to call during render loop.