
WebRTC made Simple

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Easy to use wrapper for peerJS WebRTC library
(Currently focussed more on messaging. but video stream also works, not fully tested)
Live Demo


  1. Build a functional webRTC in less than 10 lines of code.
  2. Its a wrapper for peerJS library.
  3. easily establish multi-node connections.
  4. inbuilt Auto sync all nodes to create a mesh network.


Add both files in your HTML

    <script src="https://unpkg.com/peerjs@1.3.1/dist/peerjs.min.js"></script>
    <script src="simpleWebRTC.js"></script>


 //for custom id pass id:string instead of null
 const webRTC = new simpleWebRTC(null ,{
    onInit      : myID => { },                 // on connection to peerJS 
    onMessage   : ({data, id}) => { },         // on recieving data from any node 
    remoteMedia : list => {   },               // on recieving a remote media (Audio/Video)
                                               // list = [ {id , stream},... ]
    onSync      : id => { ... },               // on adding a new node in network
    logger      : data => console.log(data),   // logs everything
    video       : true,                        // true to allow video stream
    audio       : true                         // true to allow audio stream


//To connect to the network by passing any remote node id.
//Auto sync will take care of connecting in all nodes.

//To send message to all connected nodes

//To send message to one remote node
webRTC.sendData(message, id);

//To send message to one or more remote node
webRTC.sendData(message, [id1, id2, ..]);

//To begin Media stream to a specific remote node


//my id
webRTC.id : string

//connected remote id list
webRTC.connectedID : string array

//remote stream list
webRTC.remoteStream : object array