Consider introducing Issue Templates
csarven opened this issue · 3 comments
It may help to introduce some issue templates.
Let's process (e.g., Work Item Proposals) and other material elsewhere to see what would be useful to template.
- New Work Item Proposal
- Use Case Proposal - This may need to be in or Work Item repo specific?
- Work Item Change Proposal - identify intended/anticipated change using W3C correction classes (issue should be for "significant" classes 3-5).
- Dedicated Meeting Proposal (topic, time, location, focus..)
- ...
Some other possible templates:
implementation questions: what is the context/setup, what is the question, what has already been done to find an answer (where was the answer expected) ...
implementation feedback (which not yet resulted in concrete work item change request): what was the context/setup, did everything conform, what went wrong or could be better ...
demo (to document): what was the context/setup, what does it demo, where can we find the demo ...
Re issues that should be raised somewhere else (e.g. use cases): can the template picker display some references next to the available templates?
Yes, it can have a link, see for example:
Yes, it can have a link, see for example:
This is just perfect design; makes me happy 😊