
Consider introducing Issue Templates

csarven opened this issue · 3 comments

It may help to introduce some issue templates.

Let's process (e.g., Work Item Proposals) and other material elsewhere to see what would be useful to template.

  • New Work Item Proposal
  • Use Case Proposal - This may need to be in or Work Item repo specific?
  • Work Item Change Proposal - identify intended/anticipated change using W3C correction classes (issue should be for "significant" classes 3-5).
  • Dedicated Meeting Proposal (topic, time, location, focus..)
  • ...

Some other possible templates:

  • implementation questions: what is the context/setup, what is the question, what has already been done to find an answer (where was the answer expected) ...

  • implementation feedback (which not yet resulted in concrete work item change request): what was the context/setup, did everything conform, what went wrong or could be better ...

  • demo (to document): what was the context/setup, what does it demo, where can we find the demo ...

Re issues that should be raised somewhere else (e.g. use cases): can the template picker display some references next to the available templates?

Yes, it can have a link, see for example:

Yes, it can have a link, see for example:

This is just perfect design; makes me happy 😊