
Erdtree on ArchLinux broken

ImmanuelHaffner opened this issue · 2 comments

It appears that the official ArchLinux package ships a broken erdtree. Or at least I don't seem to get it working.

I always get this error:

$ /usr/bin/erd                                                                                              ✔     18874  10:58:37 
error: unexpected argument '--inverted' found

  note: to pass '--inverted' as a value, use '-- --inverted'

Usage: -- <DIR|--color <COLOR>|--disk-usage <DISK_USAGE>|--follow|--human|--no-ignore|--icons|--long|--group|--ino|--nlink|--octal|--time <TIME>|--time-format <TIME_FORMAT>|--level <NUM>|--pattern <PATTERN>|--glob|--iglob|--file-type <FILE_TYPE>|--prune|--sort <SORT>|--dir-order <DIR_ORDER>|--threads <THREADS>|--unit <UNIT>|--layout <LAYOUT>|--hidden|--no-git|--completions <COMPLETIONS>|--dirs-only|--no-config|--no-progress|--suppress-size|--truncate>

For more information, try '--help'.

I have

$ pacman -F /usr/bin/erd
usr/bin/erd is owned by extra/erdtree 3.0.2-1

Any clues or advice?

Do you happen to have a config file? If so --inverted needs to be --layout inverted. Unfortunately it wasn't made super clear in the release notes, but let me know if that works for you.

Doh! That was it. Thanks for the quick reply :)