onMount called before elements are connected in outin mode
timothyallan opened this issue · 3 comments
I have a 3rd party component that relies on a document.getElementById
call to find a DOM node in my components onMount
Works great with the normal transition, until I switch to an outIn
transition, then my components onMount
fires, but the DOM node doesn't exist yet, so the 3rd party component blows up.
I don't know exactly how it would look, but it would be great if there was a way to detect if the onMount
was actually mounted and the DOM was ready, or if the component is floating around outside of the DOM in the transitions pretend onMount
I still have to find a good solution to implement in the library, but this might be a good temporary workaround: https://stackblitz.com/edit/transition-group-out-in-onmount?file=src%2FApp.tsx
let onBeforeEnter: VoidFunction | undefined;
<Transition mode="outin" onBeforeEnter={() => onBeforeEnter!()}>
{untrack(() => {
const [added, setAdded] = createSignal(!onBeforeEnter);
onBeforeEnter = () => setAdded(true);
// only render the actual content if added to the DOM
// unfortunatelly this needs <div> wrapper
return <div>{added() && <MyComponent />}</div>;
It may not be the nicest thing to wire up, but if done correctly, could work better then trying to patch every onMount
My other idea is to experiment with Suspense to defer the execution of effects... But maybe there is something simpler.
Here is the first solution abstracted to a component:
const TransitionChild: ParentComponent = props => {
const [added, setAdded] = createSignal(false);
useContext(TransitionCtx)(() => setAdded(true));
return <div>{added() && props.children}</div>;
// then in the App (or where you add your Transition)
const TransitionCtx = createContext<(cb: VoidFunction) => void>();
function App() {
let onBeforeEnter!: VoidFunction;
return (
<TransitionCtx.Provider value={cb => (onBeforeEnter = cb)}>
<Transition mode="outin" onBeforeEnter={() => onBeforeEnter()}>
{/* Any control-flow like Router, Outlet, Show, Switch, etc. */}
{/* Needs to wrap every child */}
{/* The actual element that will be transitioned */}
Transition with appear won't work if it has a outin mode parent Transition,