- 0
add "type": "module" to solid spa templates
#152 opened by huseeiin - 0
add prettier to js-tailwindcss and ts-tailwindcss
#151 opened by anOatFlake - 1
Is vite required?
#148 opened by felixf4xu - 1
- 1
- 2
npm run dev gives vitejs warning
#146 opened by alarbada - 1
- 2
ts-vitest template broken
#135 opened by awhitford - 1
Cannot apply background image to body element
#141 opened by g0dzcsgo - 1
Could not resolve dependency: peer vite@"^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0" from vite-plugin-solid@2.7.2 after using npm create
#137 opened by mikeaustin - 2
Vitest v0.34.x incompatibilities and @testing-library/jest-dom v6 fixes for: "Error: Cannot find module ...@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect.js"
#133 opened by busticated - 1
[vite] error while updating dependencies...
#134 opened by busticated - 1
"deps.registerNodeLoader" is deprecated...
#132 opened by busticated - 4
- 0
Rename vite.config.js to vite.config.mjs
#116 opened by jcalfee - 1
- 0
Vite build has wrong resource paths
#113 opened by quazar-omega - 0
Error in the readme?
#112 opened by promethyttrium - 1
Typescript template not working
#96 opened by zanzlender - 1
Unable to run Vitest with Yarn PnP
#109 opened by Haemoglobin - 2
- 2
CSS Frameworks only available in TS
#102 opened by LadyBluenotes - 0
Use named imports/exports
#22 opened by aminya - 1
- 7
Add Eslint to templates
#71 opened by timotius02 - 1
- 1
Deprecated package in TS-uvu
#101 opened by LadyBluenotes - 1
Incorrect type in `ts-router` template
#89 opened by pontakornth - 1
Dependency Updates
#100 opened by LadyBluenotes - 2
ts-router tamplate not working
#97 opened by mztlive - 2
README / script errors with some templates
#99 opened by LadyBluenotes - 1
README updates
#98 opened by LadyBluenotes - 1
Templates with missing READMEs
#103 opened by LadyBluenotes - 3
ts-vitest: vitest watch mode broken
#46 opened by meldron - 4
- 4
npx degit: code: 'BAD_SRC'
#68 opened by sysmat - 1
typecheck command for typescript templates
#70 opened by carcinocron - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
JS templates are missing jsconfig
#72 opened by onsclom - 16
- 1
fix-jest-dom throwing error
#60 opened by mathieuprog - 2
provide a start script
#31 opened by danielo515 - 3
- 0
whens the next dependencies update?
#38 opened by wommy - 0
- 0
Sass template
#25 opened by arnaugomez - 0
- 2
Format the files using Prettier
#21 opened by aminya