Integration with Signifyd that implements a fraud check prior to marking a shipment as ready to be shipped.
- All orders are sent to SIGNIFYD for scoring when they transition to complete.
- Risk analysis is returned from SIGNIFYD via a webhook and added to order.
- Orders with a risk score >= 500 (default review disposition threshhold)
- Paid orders are marked ready to ship.
- Orders with a risk score < 500
- Are cancelled.
- Risk analysis is displayed in admin.
In your Gemfile:
gem "solidus_signifyd"
Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:
bundle exec rails g solidus_signifyd:install
Create a SIGNIFYD test team within the SIGNIFYD account. The API key is listed on the Teams page after a team has been created.
Create SIGNIFYD notifications for each event type and provide your
. To work with external webhook in local
development you may need to change the rails server default host and enable
port forwarding or setup a reverse SSH tunnel.
Cases can be inspected in the SIGNIFYD web console.
Type: string
SIGNIFYD team API key.
Type: boolean
Default: false
By default, even orders which are fully paid with store credit are sent to SIGNIFYD. Since this could result in unnecessary charges to a user who is on a "flat rate" plan, we provide the option to skip these orders.
Type: integer
Default: 500
Automatic approval is granted to orders which have a good "reviewDisposition" or
have a score greater than the signifyd_score_threshold
Flagging a case as bad in the SIGNIFYD web console will associate
a fraudulent case with the order's email. This will cause future orders to drop
below the reviewDisposition
threshhold of 500 and allow you to inspect a
risky order.
First bundle your dependencies, then run rake
. rake
will default to
building the dummy app if it does not exist, then it will run specs. The dummy
app can be regenerated by using rake test_app
bundle exec rake