ContainerOS prototype

The goal of the project is to provide as simple as possible interface for cluster deployments.


  1. Install docker
curl -fsSL -o && chmod +x && ./
  1. Create swarm cluster
docker swarm init
  1. Create caddy swarm overlay network
docker network create -d overlay --attachable caddy
  1. Create secret root_token containing root token
printf "dev" | docker secret create root_token -
  1. Create config .env.api_host containing your domain
printf "API_HOST=$(curl -4\n" > .env.api_host
  1. Copy .env.example to .env and set S3 credentials

  2. Run installer

docker service rm containeros-system_api containeros-system_node-setup; docker pull && docker pull && docker run --env-file .env --env-file .env.api_host -it --rm -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
  1. Optional: tear down
docker service rm $(docker service ls -q)


Cluster API

  • Accepts http requests and modifies swarm mode desired cluster state
  • Responds with container statuses
  • Streams logs
  • Works directly with docker API
  • Runs only on controller nodes
  • Manages users saving them in configs and secrets
  • Stateless except for log streaming

Install container

  • Starts router, API server, and docker registry and addon controllers

Node management container

  • Auth docker into registry

Registry proxy

  • Proxies requests to docker registry (thank you, capitain)
  • Gets credentials and user access rights from configs and secrets

Addon controlers

  • Manage databases and other software, defined in configs by API server
  • Auto-scales depending on load