
recommended / similar applications

kyrios123 opened this issue · 3 comments

What do you think about adding a tab besides Details, Changelog and License with recommended and/or similar applications ?
Similar is pretty obvious, recommended/suggested could be for example optional run dependencies that would be added in the package.yml by the packagers (with the advantage that if one day sol handles optional deps, the data will be available already).

The goal would be to improve the user experience by helping him/her finding the appropriate software and also to reduce (a little) the amount of requests from users on phabricator by giving a better visibility to applications in the software center but also to lower issues that occurs because an optional dependency needs to be installed for a specific functionality of an application to work.

If you don't like the idea, you can close this issue immediately as it's only a suggestion.

Interesting idea to improve software discovery but in what sense would this add more information to what is already visible in a given software category? If implemented, I assume it should not spy on a user by actually pulling in information on the installed software (the kind of algorithm you have when buying stuff on Amazon).

Spying... ? I think the idea here is you would click an app like Firefox, and it would recommend the Arc Firefox Theme. Or Budgie Desktop and it would show the Haste Applet, etc.

@baimafeima There is no spying at all (the idea is not to collect data and say other users who installed this have also installed that), but as @ikeydoherty said to suggest things that goes well together...

It could be pretty obvious things like if you look at wine, suggestions could be q4wine and winetricks but it can also be things not so straightforward.
For example, the application eid-mw (Belgian electronic identity card software) might require installation of extra drivers depending on the card reader model. Package name for some drivers is... acsccid

PS: I now realize the suggestion for similar applications is kinda dumb, of course there are categories... (I always use the search to find applications).