
Download link on is outdated

lorenzos opened this issue · 4 comments

I was opening an issue about CSS class namespacing when I found an already closed one. So I realized I had just downloaded a very outdated version of your icons from your personal website. The download link of that outdated package is:

Consider updating that package or, better, you can link directly to the one served by GitHub, which will be always up-to-date:

Good call. I'll need to update the download. The reason why they're different is that I don't include all the different variations of PNG files in the Github repo. So I need to have separate downloads. Thanks for catching this!

chid commented

Right now there doesn't seem to be any download link / reference to open iconic on the website is that the way it was meant to be?

The link for the new Open Iconic will be live very soon. Lots will be changing around this project very soon.

chid commented

Exciting 👍