
Kenlm objective is to answer language model queries using less time and memory.
model was found to be 2.4 times faster and use only 57% of the memory compared to SRILM. This improvement was achieved through the use of a TRIE data structure with optimized features such as bit-level packing, sorted records, interpolation search, and optional quantization, all aimed at reducing memory consumption effectively.

Parameters required for Generate n-gram based LM using KenLM are mentioned below

top_k: KenLM will use only top_k frequency words to make its vocab.

input_txt_path: Path to your clean input text file(default finetuning/train.wrd). If the input file is generated from multiple text file then set this variable equal to 'combined_txt_file_save_path'

output_path: Folder path to store binary file.

kenlm_bins: Path to bin folder inside kenlm/build.


Install Python Dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install Kenlm Dependencies

sudo apt install build-essential cmake libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libeigen3-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev


├── requirements.txt


A Python script with 3 methods:

  • EDA(f_path_data): Explore text file and clean it.
  • train(f_path_data): Train LM using the Kenlm toolkit and update its parameters.
  • perplexity_task(test_sentences): Test trained LM with a test set of data and output the results.

running the script

- is command to run with its custom hyperpater which is being called my train method in

python3 --in_txt /home/coderatwork/artpark_interview/Assignment1_all_bn.txt


When using the data_prep_for_train(f_path_data) method instead of data_prep_for_clean_train(f_path_data) in the perplexity calculation script (, I observed that the model achieved lower perplexity values. This indicates that by not merging clean POS-tagged data from an NLTK corpus with the training set for training the language model, the model exhibited better performance, higher confidence, and a better understanding of the language used in the sentences. This observation is documented in the file for clarity and reproducibility.


Future Options

  • trying ek-step foundation's LM pretrained on indian regional languages
  • trying GPT tokeninzations for dealing with subwords for dealing with out of vocab words .

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