
Boilerplate APIs with express

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Boilerplate APIs with express

Folder Structure

----/dist # distributed source code
----/logs # collect log files in production mode
----/src # development source code
--------/api # api routes
------------controllers # handler functions for each route to handle req, res
------------helpers # helper functions
------------middlewares # routes middlewares such as authorization middlware
------------models # ORM files
------------routes # api routes, use file name to api URI (/api/[filename])
------------index.js # export all router (express.Router())
--------/config # config variables
------------development.js # config in dev mode
------------index.js # export this module with match environtment
------------production.js # config in prod mode
--------/doc # api document
------------swagger.json # swagger config file
--------/startup # startup app module
------------config.js # validate config variables, if not have exit app
------------db.js # connect to database
------------index.js # export this module
------------logging.js # config winston log
------------middlewares.js # handle express middlewares
------------routes.js # handle route for http req, res
--------index.js # main app
----.babelrc # babel config file
----.env # set system environtments in this file, it will load to process.env
----.eslintignore # use to ignore lint such as /dist
----.eslintrc.js #  eslint config file
  • Or use this style.
----/src # development source code
--------/api # api routes
------------helpers # helper functions
------------middlewares # routes middlewares such as authorization middlware
------------models # ORM files
------------resources # api routes, use directory name to api URI (/api/[dirname])
----------------routes1 # /api/routes1
--------------------index.js # export router in routes1.router.js
--------------------routes1.controllers.js # handler functions for each route to handle req, res
--------------------routes1.router.js # handler router for /api/routes1
----------------routes2 # /api/routes2
--------------------index.js # export router in routes2.router.js
--------------------routes2.controllers.js # handler functions for each route to handle req, res
--------------------routes2.router.js # handler router for /api/routes2
------------index.js # export all router (express.Router())

Remark: this style must change routers loader from file name to dir name

// ./src/api/index.js
const PATH = path.join(__dirname, "resources");
  .filter(file => file.indexOf(".") !== 0 && file !== "index.js")
  .forEach(feature => {
    // load from /api/resources/[feature]/index
    const { router } = require(path.join(PATH, `${feature}`));
    apiRouter.use(`/${feature}`, router);

Development Mode

  • Create nodemon.json to config dev enviroments.
  "env": {
    "APPNAME_RELEASE": "0.0.1",
    "APPNAME_PORT": 3000,
    "APPNAME_JWT_SECRET": "my-secret-key",
    "APPNAME_DB_URI": "test",
    "APPNAME_SENTRY_DNS": "https://publicKey@sentry.io/id"
  • Or use dotenv by create file .env

How to connect DB

Step 1: Config DB_URI

  • In dev mode config in ./src/config/development.js
export default {
  // connect to mongodb
  DB_URI: "mongodb://username:password@host:port/database"
  // or connect to postgresql
  // DB_URL: 'postgres://username:password@host:port/database'
  • In production mode set environtment to appName_DB_URI

Step 2: Connect to Database

  • Install package such as mongoose or pg-promise: npm i -S mongoose

  • Open file ./src/startup/db.js and insert code following package document that you used:

// ./src/startup/db.js
// import package here
import winston from "winston";
import config from "../config";

export default () => {
  // add connection code here
  // connect to config.DB_URI
  // log status with winston

Step 3: Create Model

  • Create new model in ./src/api/models, if have ORM
let pets = [
    id: 1,
    name: "admin",
    category: "dog",
    breed: "ไทย",
    age: "senior"
    id: 2,
    name: "tamp",
    category: "dog",
    breed: "ไทย - บางแก้ว",
    age: "adult"
    id: 3,
    name: "snow",
    category: "dog",
    breed: "ไทย - บางแก้ว",
    age: "adult"

export const create = (name, category, breed, age) => {
  const pet = {
    id: pets[pets.length - 1].id + 1,
  return pet;

export const update = (id, name, category, breed, age) => {
  let pet = pets.find(u => u.id === id);
  pet = {
  return pet;

export const findAll = () => pets;

export const findById = id => pets.find(pet => pet.id === id);

export const remove = id => {
  pets = pets.filter(pet => pet.id !== id);
  return pets;

Step 4: Create CRUD API

  • Design
POST   /api/pets { name, category, breed, age, tags } -- create new pet with auth
GET    /api/pets -- get all pets by everyone

GET    /api/pets/:id -- get pet by id with auth, validate ObjectId
PUT    /api/pets/:id { name, category, breed, age, tags } -- update pet by id with auth, validate ObjectId
DELETE /api/pets/:id -- delete pet by id with auth, validate ObjectId
  • Create new file ./src/api/routes/pets.js
// ./src/api/routes/pets.js
import express from "express";
import Joi from "joi";
import * as controller from "../controllers/pets";
import admin from "../middlewares/admin"; // use for validate is admin?
import auth from "../middlewares/auth"; // use for auth with JWT
import paginate from "../middlewares/paginate"; // use for paginations
import validate from "../middlewares/validate"; // use for need to validate body
import validateObjectId from "../middlewares/validateObjectId"; // use for validate id format

export const router = express.Router();

  .post([auth, validate(validateBody)], controller.create)
  .get(paginate, controller.findAll);

  .get([auth, validateObjectId], controller.findOne)
  .delete([auth, admin, validateObjectId], controller.remove)
  .put([auth, validate(validateBody), validateObjectId], controller.update);

function validateBody(body) {
  const schema = Joi.object().keys({
    name: Joi.string().required(),
    category: Joi.string().required(),
    breed: Joi.string().required(),
    age: Joi.string().required()
  const { value, error } = Joi.validate(body, schema);
  if (error && error.details) {
    return { error };
  return { value };

Step 5: Create controller

  • Create new file ./src/api/controllers/examples.js
// ./src/api/controllers/examples.js
import * as Pet from "../models/pet"; // replace with your model
import paginate from "../helpers/paginate";

export const create = async (req, res) => {
  const { name, category, breed, age } = req.body;
  const data = await Promise.resolve(Pet.create(name, category, breed, age)); // insert
  return res.json(data);

export const findAll = async (req, res) => {
  const { limit, offset, page } = req.query;
  // query with offset and limit
  let datas = new Promise(resolve =>
    resolve(Pet.findAll().slice(offset, limit + offset))
  // count with same query criteria
  let counts = new Promise(resolve => resolve(Pet.findAll().length));
  [datas, counts] = await Promise.all([datas, counts]);
  const results = paginate(datas, counts, limit, offset, page);

export const findOne = async (req, res) => {
  const { id } = req.params;
  // find by id
  const data = await Promise.resolve(Pet.findById(+id));
  if (!data) {
    return res.status(404).json({ error: { message: "could not find data" } });
  return res.json(data);

export const remove = async (req, res) => {
  const { id } = req.params;
  // find by id and remove
  const user = await Promise.resolve(Pet.findById(+id));
  if (!user) {
    return res.status(404).json({ error: { message: "could not find data" } });
  const data = await Promise.resolve(Pet.remove(+id));
  if (!data) {
    return res.status(404).json({ error: { message: "could not find data" } });
  return res.json(data);

export const update = async (req, res) => {
  const { id } = req.params;
  // find by id and update
  const user = await Promise.resolve(Pet.findById(+id));
  if (!user) {
    return res.status(404).json({ error: { message: "could not find data" } });
  const { name, category, breed, age } = req.body;
  const data = await Promise.resolve(
    Pet.update(id, name, category, breed, age)
  return res.json(data);