Final methods in Admin classes
wiistriker opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello! First of all thanks for great library which helps me a lot many years.
I use sonata admin bundle with doctrine orm admin bundle
Just moved from 3.x to 4.x and faced with some circumstances which lead me to boilerplate code.
For one entity i have data partitioning mechanism which can store same entity in several identical tables in database. Lets call this entity Product
. In database for example we have tables:
To know where each product stored i use complicated ID in url, like:
001S123 --- product with id = 123 stored in table products_001
002S321 --- product with id = 321 stored in table products_002
and so on.
Later it worked:
class ProductAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
public function id(object $model): ?string
return $model->getFullId();
public function getUrlsafeIdentifier(object $model): ?string
return $model->getFullId();
public function getNormalizedIdentifier(object $model): ?string
return $model->getFullId();
public function getObject($id): ?object
$em = $this->modelManager->getEntityManager($this->getClass());
// method findByFullId know in what partition it should seek for entity with id
$object = $em->getRepository($this->getClass())->findByFullId($id);
foreach ($this->getExtensions() as $extension) {
$extension->alterObject($this, $object);
return $object;
This worked but getUrlsafeIdentifier, getNormalizedIdentifier, getObject will be marked as @Final and after upgrade from 3.x to 4.x i cant use this method.
Moving forward. This methods call ModelManagerInterface
methods with the same name, so i try to change this behaviour in
but this class is also final, so i ended up with such ugly code:
class ProductsModelManager implements ModelManagerInterface, LockInterface, ProxyResolverInterface
protected ModelManager $doctrineModelManager;
public function __construct(ModelManager $doctrineModelManager)
$this->doctrineModelManager = $doctrineModelManager;
public function getLockVersion(object $object)
return $this->doctrineModelManager->getLockVersion($object);
public function lock(object $object, ?int $expectedVersion): void
$this->doctrineModelManager->lock($object, $expectedVersion);
public function create(object $object): void
public function update(object $object): void
public function delete(object $object): void
public function findBy(string $class, array $criteria = []): array
return $this->doctrineModelManager->findBy($class, $criteria);
public function findOneBy(string $class, array $criteria = []): ?object
return $this->doctrineModelManager->findOneBy($class, $criteria);
public function find(string $class, $id): ?object
if ($class === Product::class) {
$productsRepository = $this->doctrineModelManager->getEntityManager($class)->getRepository(Product::class);
return $productsRepository->findById($id);
return $this->doctrineModelManager->find($class, $id);
public function batchDelete(string $class, ProxyQueryInterface $query): void
$this->doctrineModelManager->batchDelete($class, $query);
public function createQuery(string $class): ProxyQueryInterface
return $this->doctrineModelManager->createQuery($class);
public function getIdentifierValues(object $model): array
return $this->doctrineModelManager->getIdentifierValues($model);
public function getIdentifierFieldNames(string $class): array
return $this->doctrineModelManager->getIdentifierFieldNames($class);
public function getNormalizedIdentifier(object $model): ?string
if ($model instanceof Product) {
return $model->getId();
return $this->doctrineModelManager->getNormalizedIdentifier($model);
public function getUrlSafeIdentifier(object $model): ?string
if ($model instanceof Product) {
return $model->getId();
return $this->doctrineModelManager->getUrlSafeIdentifier($model);
public function reverseTransform(object $object, array $array = []): void
$this->doctrineModelManager->reverseTransform($object, $array);
public function supportsQuery(object $query): bool
return $this->doctrineModelManager->supportsQuery($query);
public function executeQuery(object $query)
return $this->doctrineModelManager->executeQuery($query);
public function getExportFields(string $class): array
return $this->doctrineModelManager->getExportFields($class);
public function addIdentifiersToQuery(string $class, ProxyQueryInterface $query, array $idx): void
$this->doctrineModelManager->addIdentifiersToQuery($class, $query, $idx);
public function getRealClass(object $object): string
return $this->doctrineModelManager->getRealClass($object);
I write 20 methods just to change behaviour in 3 methods.
What do you think? Is it really necessary to have final classes and methods in such wide-used library? And what is a logick in deciding which methods will be final and what will be extendable? For example AbstractAdmin::id
method is not final, but getNormalizedIdentifier
and getUrlSafeIdentifier
Moving forward. This methods call
methods with the same name, so i try to change this behaviour inSonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\Model\ModelManager
but this class is also final, so i ended up with such ugly code:class ProductsModelManager implements ModelManagerInterface, LockInterface, ProxyResolverInterface { protected ModelManager $doctrineModelManager; public function __construct(ModelManager $doctrineModelManager) { $this->doctrineModelManager = $doctrineModelManager; } public function getLockVersion(object $object) { return $this->doctrineModelManager->getLockVersion($object); } public function lock(object $object, ?int $expectedVersion): void { $this->doctrineModelManager->lock($object, $expectedVersion); } public function create(object $object): void { $this->doctrineModelManager->create($object); } public function update(object $object): void { $this->doctrineModelManager->update($object); } public function delete(object $object): void { $this->doctrineModelManager->delete($object); } public function findBy(string $class, array $criteria = []): array { return $this->doctrineModelManager->findBy($class, $criteria); } public function findOneBy(string $class, array $criteria = []): ?object { return $this->doctrineModelManager->findOneBy($class, $criteria); } public function find(string $class, $id): ?object { if ($class === Product::class) { $productsRepository = $this->doctrineModelManager->getEntityManager($class)->getRepository(Product::class); return $productsRepository->findById($id); } return $this->doctrineModelManager->find($class, $id); } public function batchDelete(string $class, ProxyQueryInterface $query): void { $this->doctrineModelManager->batchDelete($class, $query); } public function createQuery(string $class): ProxyQueryInterface { return $this->doctrineModelManager->createQuery($class); } public function getIdentifierValues(object $model): array { return $this->doctrineModelManager->getIdentifierValues($model); } public function getIdentifierFieldNames(string $class): array { return $this->doctrineModelManager->getIdentifierFieldNames($class); } public function getNormalizedIdentifier(object $model): ?string { if ($model instanceof Product) { return $model->getId(); } return $this->doctrineModelManager->getNormalizedIdentifier($model); } public function getUrlSafeIdentifier(object $model): ?string { if ($model instanceof Product) { return $model->getId(); } return $this->doctrineModelManager->getUrlSafeIdentifier($model); } public function reverseTransform(object $object, array $array = []): void { $this->doctrineModelManager->reverseTransform($object, $array); } public function supportsQuery(object $query): bool { return $this->doctrineModelManager->supportsQuery($query); } public function executeQuery(object $query) { return $this->doctrineModelManager->executeQuery($query); } public function getExportFields(string $class): array { return $this->doctrineModelManager->getExportFields($class); } public function addIdentifiersToQuery(string $class, ProxyQueryInterface $query, array $idx): void { $this->doctrineModelManager->addIdentifiersToQuery($class, $query, $idx); } public function getRealClass(object $object): string { return $this->doctrineModelManager->getRealClass($object); } }
I write 20 methods just to change behaviour in 3 methods.
Seems like you found the solution then.
The issue about the 20 methods to override is because the ModelManager is a too-big interface and should be split. But that would require a lot of work.
What do you think? Is it really necessary to have final classes and methods in such wide-used library?
Yes. This is especially because this library is wide-used that class/methods must be final. To allow them to change more easily without introducing BC-break. We encountered 7 years without a major version, with really hard work to improve things because nothing was final and we had to keep tons of deprecated code.
I can find you tons of reference:
And what is a logick in deciding which methods will be final and what will be extendable? For example
method is not final, butgetNormalizedIdentifier
or getUrlSafeIdentifier
have an extension point, the modelManager.
has none (you might want a different result than getNormalizedIdentifier
), so we cannot make it final so far even if we want to ; it could require a method inside the model manager.