
Remove Twig form_themes

Hanmac opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature Request

After sonata-project/form-extensions#444 gets into a Release,
then this can be removed:

$bundles = $container->getParameter('kernel.bundles');
// add custom form widgets
if ($container->hasExtension('twig')) {
if (isset($bundles['SonataFormBundle'])) {
$container->prependExtensionConfig('twig', [
'form_themes' => ['@SonataForm/Form/datepicker.html.twig'],

This should be BC, and with a notice to remove the method and implements PrependExtensionInterface NEXT_MAJOR

sonata-project/form-extensions#444 is released @Hanmac
In 1.20.0 and soon in 2.0.0