
Plugin not working across shared libraries

abertossi opened this issue · 4 comments

Would be phenomenal if it worked across shared libraries. Is this in the pipeline?

I am also wondering about this! For large projects it's kind of unwieldy not to use symbol libraries.

@abertossi, @SevenZark, thanks for the feedback. I too use shared libraries quite heavily, but I am trying to understand the use case. Wouldn't most symbol instances be found in other working documents, not libraries? Don't your libraries usually just contain symbols? I guess instances could appear within symbols, but is that happening enough to warrant this functionality?

Also, would you expect the ability to select a library to scan from the plugin panel, or are you expecting ALL your connected libraries to be scanned, and the results integrated into the results from the current document (possibly with the ability to filter by source). If it's the latter, it would be a very taxing process to parse all connected libraries. For example, I have more than twenty libraries.

@sonburn When working with Abstract you can define which library are linked, which will reduce the number of libraries to be scanned. I guess nowadays a lot of teams are using Abstract, so it could be useful to look into a solution for this workflow.