
Locate instances from a Shared Library Sketch file

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I love this plugin so much and am very grateful for it! I just wonder if there is a way to locate instances in another Sketch file from the Symbols page of a Shared Library Sketch file? (From what I've tried so far, it does not.)
I'd like to rethink my file structure and cut it into smaller pieces and use a shared library, but I don't know if I can part with the great functionality of this superb plugin. So if it would support this functionality, that would be awesome to know and use.

I don't know how Zeplin does it, but somehow they manage to link symbols and artboards from different Sketch files and list all the instances that aren't even in the library file.
Sorry I'm not a programmer, so I don't know how helpful that is. But it would be really useful in this world of trying to create design systems, especially with legacy products where you can't always delete things, and you have to be careful.

I second this, I'd been holding off on breaking up my large library files for some time and have finally reached the tipping point. Giving up the ability to find these instance is really tough (but beachballing is worse). Adding this functionality would be tremendous.

+1 for this