Implements an abstraction for Hapi using TypeScript, that provides a similar pattern to the ASP.NET WebApi framework for implementing Apis on Hapi.
To get started quickly, you can clone the 'hapi-webapi-seed' repository, which includes all files needed to get started with TypeScript and the hapi-webapi.
Start by creating a package.json:
npm init
Install hapi-webapi and save it to your package.json dependencies:
npm install hapi-webapi --save
Create a server.ts file with the following contents:
import {WebApp, StartOptions} from 'hapi-webapi/server';
import {Startup} from "./Startup";
var options = new StartOptions();
options.port = 4600;
//To enable CORS set options.cors to true. Default value is false
options.cors = true;
WebApp.Start<Startup>(Startup, options);
Create a startup.ts file with the following contents:
import {IStartup, IAppBuilder, HttpConfiguration} from 'hapi-webapi/server';
import {UsersController} from "./Controllers/UsersController";
const pgk = require("./package.json");
export class Startup implements IStartup {
Configuration(app: IAppBuilder) {
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
config.enableSwagger({ title: 'Directory API', description: pgk.description, version: pgk.version });
config.enableSwaggerUi({ title: 'API Documentation v' + pgk.version, path: '/docs' });
// This is different from ASP.NET WebAPI, controllers needs to manually be registered.
//app.useDirectoryBrowser('./public/', '/files/');
Create a controller.ts file with the following contents:
import {ApiController} from 'hapi-webapi/controllers';
import {RoutePrefix, Route, HttpGet, HttpDelete, HttpPut, HttpPost} from 'hapi-webapi/routing';
export class UsersController extends ApiController {
@HttpGet() // Also supports @HttpPut, @HttpPost, @HttpDelete
getUserById(id: string) {
return "getUserById:" + id;
searchUsers(id: string) {
return this.notFound();
list() {
// Examples of request object values available:
// Url object.
// HTTP version.
console.log('HTTP Version: ' + this.request.version);
// HTTP headers.
return "Hello World!";
Launch the application by running:
npm start
And open localhost:4600 or localhost:4600/docs for Swagger UI in your browser.
sondreb | kommundsen | SteffenVetrhus |
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MIT © Sondre Bjellås