
Songify not working.

Yoshiroulol opened this issue · 5 comments

I signed into my twitch and Spotify on Songify and everything worked. I checked the auto-connect button, but every time the app closes and opens up again, it is signed out. The login to twitch button doesn't work, I have to log in manually which is a pain, and nothing sticks. I have to relog into every thing again, my twitch and Spotify. Is there something that I've done wrong? Or does it just not auto-connect every time you launch the app and you have to log in to everything again?

Mine stays logged in.

It would seem yours can't write to memory? OS Administrator privileges? Try right-click the launcher/shortcut > More > Run as administrator.

As @NiteCyper already suggested I too believe that it's an issue with permissions to write the config files.

Where did you put the Songify files?
Are there files called TwitchCrendtials and SpotifyCredentials?
Can you send a current log file? (File -> Help -> Log Folder)

The files are called TwitchCredentials and SpotifyCredentials and they are just on my desktop. Are you saying if I run Songify as administrator every time it should save the logins?

No, it should save them every time. Are the files empty when you look inside them? (don't post the contents since it's sensible data)

It started auto-saving yesterday, I don't know what I did but now every time I open the app it connects to Twitch and spotify. The files now save the data that I entered. Thanks for helping!