
No video sent from Chrome Desktop to Android

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Since a couple of days, this plugin won't work anymore on Android if I connect with a Chrome desktop browser as a peer. I can see my local video, but the peer's video isn't shown anymore.

I guess this is related to a recent change in Chrome 50 which Tokbox had adressed with their recent 2.7.5 version. This patch fixed the problems on desktop browsers, but if I connect Chrome with my Android device, I'm still getting errors. I'm using the latest 2.8.0 version of the JS API in Chrome.

In Android studio, I am getting this error message:

E/OTPlugin: subscriber exception: Internal error -- WebRTC subscriber error., stream id: 6ab447d6-8011-4f93-9eb6-53aaf4ec301f

In the Chrome browser, I see this:

Error while setting RemoteDescription OperationError: Failed to set remote answer sdp: Session error code: ERROR_CONTENT. Session error description: Failed to set remote video description send parameters..
OT.exception :: title: Unable to Publish (1500) msg: OT.Publisher PeerConnection Error: Error while setting RemoteDescription OperationError: Failed to set remote answer sdp: Session error code: ERROR_CONTENT. Session error description: Failed to set remote video description send parameters..

Is anybody else facing this or found a solution?

KR, Tom

@derwaldgeist - I had a similar problem. I was able to get IOS to work by updating the OT IOS framework updated to 2.8; once this was resolved I was able to publish and subscribe video streams from both Desktop (Chrome 50 using OT JS 2.8) and IOS (using IOS OT 2.8)

@kentchau Thanks for your feedback. I was able to resolve this in the meantime by updating the Android SDK to 2.7, just as you did for iOS. So I will close this issue.

@derwaldgeist - what steps did you take to update the Android source - and which version are you currently running on?

I've updated it to version 2.7. Here's the commit showing the steps involved:
The .so files you need can be downloaded at the tokbox SDK page.