more tutorials
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Any set of methods with a common theme and some level of completeness or coherency is a good candidate for a tutorial.
The more common representations deserve their own tutorials but a representation overview would
be good. This could replace the lengthy section of doc.go. -
There's the existing tutorial on AdjacencyList. One for FromList would be nice. -
Spanning trees
There are a few different algorithms. -
Nice to have first would be better AStar tests, issue 44, and dot support for paths issue 2. Consider existing Dijkstra tutorial. After writing tutorial, remove the SSSP section from doc.go -
Explain DF and BF, explain the API, also show how to hand code DF. -
Dominance and SSA
Eulerian paths
These functions could use some completion first. -
DAGs, Topological sort
Random DAG would be nice to have first. -
Cliques, Bron-Kerbosch
Another algorithm or two would be nice. Especially a near-clique algorithm. -
Use of NIs and LIs for labeling, or associating properties. Relation to graph databases.