
open more than one file at once?

crying-qwq opened this issue · 1 comments

when opening more than one file junction spawns a window for each one instead of opening them all, eg. when opening 14 files there's 14 windows instead of just one


great little app btw, it's a lot more useful than i expected

Glad you like it.

Yes it's something I have noticed too and thought of ways to deal with it. Here are my thoughts

There are 2 paths that leads to the situation

  1. pass multiple arguments to Junction (what you did I suppose)

  2. open Junction with a resource, and another, and another

For 1. I think it's straightforward — all resources should open with the same app as selected by the user. We can keep the UI and just have multiple URI entries.

For 2. I'm not sure I should open a new window (and let user choose a different app for each resource) or if I should reuse the current window (and mimic 1).

In any case – we can implement 1 first because it is straightforward, and see what to do with 2 afterward.