dealloc not getting called?
jonchui opened this issue · 1 comments
jonchui commented
Used the class on iOS5 +ARC & it works really well. Thanks! I love how the solution just works for all scroll views, and does not extend UIScrollView (which makes it hard to use for table views, or web views)
However, noticed that it's dealloc was not getting called (therefore, the removal of KVO on the scroll view's contentOffset was not being called).
Even when i create a property to the pull to refresh view, & then specifically set it to nil, the dealloc still isn't being called.
Should i be worried about any KVO problems or memory leaks?
In the end, I had to also remove the pull view from it's superview in order for the dealloc to get called. Is this the proper way of doing it?
sonnyparlin commented
See latest commit.