
ChromeDriver installer for Python

Primary LanguagePython

ChromeDriver Installer for Python


Installs ChromeDriver executable with pip or setup.py.


Manual Installation

Clone the repository:

(e)$ git clone https://github.com/peterhudec/chromedriver_installer.git

Install the most recent ChromeDriver version without verifying checksum.

(e)$ python setup.py install

Install specific ChromeDriver version without verifying checksum.

(e)$ python setup.py install --chromedriver-version=2.10

Install specific ChromeDriver version and verify checksum. Note that you can pass multiple coma-separated checksums to the --chromedriver-checksums option. This is useful if you plan to install ChromeDriver on various platforms because there is separate version with different checksum for each platform. You can get the checksums for specific version/platform combinations at the chromedriver download URL.

(e)$ python setup.py install \
    --chromedriver-version=2.10 \

After install, there should be the chromedriver executable available in your path:

(e)$ which chromedriver
(e)$ chromedriver --version
ChromeDriver 2.10.267518
(e)$ chromedriver
Starting ChromeDriver (v2.10.267518) on port 9515
Only local connections are allowed.

Installation With PIP

The same as before except you need to pass the install options wrapped in pip's --install-option="" option.

(e)$ pip install chromedriver_installer \
    --install-option="--chromedriver-version=2.10" \

Installation With easy_install

I can't seem to find a way to make easy_install pass user options to setup.py so you only can install the most recent ChromeDriver version with easy_install.

How it Works

The build_scripts command of the setup.py script invoked by python setup.py install downloads, the ChromeDriver zip archive version specified in the --chromedriver-version option from http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html to the temp directory of the operating system. If the --chromedriver-checksums option is set, the archive is validated against the supplied checksums (you can get the checksums at the aforementioned URL). If the validation failed, the installation exits with an error. If the validation was successful or if the --chromedriver-checksums option is not set, the archive will be unzipped to the build directory and installed as an executable to the bin directory.

If the --chromedriver-version option is ommited, it installs the most recent chromedriver version without checksum validation.


You need tox to run the tests.

(e)$ git clone https://github.com/peterhudec/chromedriver_installer.git
(e)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
(e)$ tox