
colorful Vim colorscheme for both GUI and 256-color terminals

Primary LanguageVim Script

Briofita Colorscheme

Briofita is a colorful dark background Vim colorscheme.

Briofita was first released in 2012 on the Vim website (vim.org). Current version is 4.1.0.

Since the first version the author has been using (and improving) it daily for most of his activities that could be performed via Vim editor: work, study, research…​

Along the time a need was felt to add new highlights for new utilities, programming languages, etc. and the author became somewhat frustrated at having to frequently switch and try out different colorschemes to fit different cases…​ So, as it currently is, Briofita became the colorscheme the author uses every day most of the time.

Evidently whatever be the colorscheme a selection of features/utilities/languages would never fit optimally all the use cases. For special cases, I myself use other schemes which I have downloaded from Github or from the Vim web site. Along the time even I have created a few different colorschemes, mostly shortened Briofita derivations, which I am soon to make available for Github or Vim users.

Briofita colorscheme implements many custom highlights and supports syntax coloring for many languages, utilities, plugins, tools…​ Although heavier than common Vim colorschemes it runs smoothly on current computers.

Briofita colorscheme is fit for common, non-specialized usage, but custom, colorful highlights are provided for several programming languages. For example:

  • authoring, writing, publishing:

    • Asciidoc;

    • Markdown; …​

  • software development:

    • Java,

    • Javascript;

    • Json, Yaml;

    • Julia;

    • Perl / Perl6;

    • Python / Python3;

    • Ruby;

    • Haskell;

    • Lua;

    • C++ and C;

    • Shellscript;


    • Ruby;

    • SQL, PL/SQL, CSV; …​

  • Vim-related development:

    • VimL / Vimscript;

    • Vim help;

    • custom highlights for Vim plugins;

Vim website page:

Please check additional details in the companion Vim help file; it is in the "doc" sub-directory and, if Briofita is correctly installed, typing ":help briofita" will display it.

Selected Screenshots

Go language

Go language sample


Java language sample


Julia language sample


Python language sample


Vimscript language sample

C language

C language sample


CSS sample


Javascript sample

Perl 6

Perl 6 sample

Ruby and RHTML

Ruby sample
RHTML sample


XML sample


You can install Briofita by dowloading it as a Zip file either from the Vim.org site or from Github; or by cloning its Git repo from Github.

Manual Installation: Traditional Way

Once downloaded, unpack it. Then copy the contents of each extracted sub-directory in the corresponding directory of your .vim or _vim directory.

Create the directory if does not previously exist; for example: if there is no ~/.vim/autoload directory in your Vim run on a terminal the commands:

cd ~/.vim
mkdir autoload

Plugin Assisted Installation

You may use Plug, Pathogen or another of the available plugin-management plugins. Please read your plugin help file and follow its instructions.

Notice that the location where Briofita will be placed depends on your plugin. Pathogen, for example, manages plugins installed in the "bundle" directory.

Manual Installation: New Way

From Vim 8 on you may place your extracted Zip in one of the sub-directories of the "pack" directory.

If you place it in the "~/.vim/pack/start" subdirectory the colorscheme becomes available from the Vim startup time.

If you place it in "~/.vim/pack/opt" subdirectory you will need to first run ":packadd" to make it available.

Installation by Cloning

Installation can be done by cloning Briofita Git repository from Github.

Details will not be given here; on the Web where you will surely find a plenty of tutorials about how to clone a Github repo.


Once installed, the colorscheme can be used like any other colorscheme. For example, use below command:

:color briofita

If you do NOT want the colorscheme to set the Vim 8 "termguicolor" option please define (or place in your .vimrc) a global variable like below:

let g:briofita_skip_termguicolor = 1

If you do NOT want the colorscheme to set the Vim option "guicursor" please define (or place in your .vimrc) a global variable like below:

let g:briofita_skip_guicursor = 1

Default operation sets termguicolor if Vim 8 (or more) version, and sets guicursor to an appropriate value.


The Vim licence (change the term "Vim" to "Briofita Vim colorscheme").

Additional files

Briofita comes with a Vim help file and a lightline plugin theme. The lightline theme — for Vim statusline — is still experimental and will likely be changed in future releases.

You may contact the author either via Github-provided channels (pull requests, issues, etc.) or via email:

Sergio Nobre <brio dot develop at gmail dot com>

(put "[VIM]" in the subject, please)