
Silero-vad-4 needs actual If operator

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I am trying to load silero-vad-v4 onnx but it is giving me the following error:

Error Failed analyse for node #74 "If_25" If

Caused by:
    Wrong nnumber of outputs. Op says 1, node says 3.

This is how I am loading it:

            .with_input_names(["input", "sr", "h", "c"])?
                InferenceFact::dt_shape(f32::datum_type(), tvec!(1, voice_detection_frame_size)),
            .with_input_fact(1, InferenceFact::default())?
                InferenceFact::dt_shape(f32::datum_type(), tvec!(2, 1, 64)),
                InferenceFact::dt_shape(f32::datum_type(), tvec!(2, 1, 64)),
            .with_output_names(["output", "hn", "cn"])?
                InferenceFact::dt_shape(f32::datum_type(), tvec!(1, 1)),
                InferenceFact::dt_shape(f32::datum_type(), tvec!(2, 1, 64)),
                InferenceFact::dt_shape(f32::datum_type(), tvec!(2, 1, 64)),

model overview


If_25 node is the one with 3 outputs

tract version: 0.19.8


Running through command line has the same behavior:

tract silero-vad/files/silero_vad.onnx
┏ 1 Source sr
┃   ━━━ I64
┣┻ 73 Equals Equal_23
┃   ━━━ Bool
┃┏ 3 Source c
┃┃   ━━━ 2,batch,64,F32
┃┃┏ 2 Source h
┃┃┃   ━━━ 2,batch,64,F32
┃┃┃┏ 0 Source input
┃┃┃┃   ━━━ batch,sequence,F32
┣╋╋┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻┻ 74 If If_25
      ━━━ batch,1,F32
      ━━━ 2,batch,64,F32
      ━━━ 2,batch,64,F32
[2023-04-10T00:30:01.961133391Z ERROR tract] Error at stage analyse

    Caused by:
        0: Failed analyse for node #74 "If_25" If
        1: Failed analyse for node #74 "If_25" If
        2: Wrong nnumber of outputs. Op says 1, node says 3.

Location where the comparison takes place:

if outputs.len() != self.model.borrow().node(node).op.nboutputs().unwrap() {

fn nboutputs(&self) -> TractResult<usize> {

It seems like Op always returns 1.

@kali is it something that's doable? if so I'd be interested to make an attempt on it :).

Also I looked at the tract trace and it seems like it is able to analyze the whole model except the If operator.

what if in onnx/src/ops/ we do something like this for If:

  fn nboutputs(&self) -> TractResult<usize> {
        if self.else_body.outputs.len() == self.then_body.outputs.len() {
        } else {
            //Some Err()

It seems like I might have ditched that If error temporarily then I ran into this one :)

  Caused by:
        0: Infering facts
        1: Failed analyse for node #121 "Cast_173" onnx.Cast
        2: Eager eval during inference
        3: Evaluating #1 "adhoc" onnx.Cast
        4: Unsupported cast from TDim to Bool

It is coming from then_branch could be a separate issue related to Cast Op:


kali commented

Hello! thanks for your interest and sorry for delay in answering.

The nboutput fix feels right. Feel free to make it a PR. You can use the ensure! macro to perform the test (search in the current codebase for inspiration).

I will have a look at the TDim to bool cast.

Awesome! Thanks :)

kali commented
  • The nboutput fix works.
  • #1037 fixes the cast problem.
  • there is still an issue (at least) with this model (silero v4)
  • "Can only deal with constant conditions in If translation"

tract does not have an actual If operator at this stage (it expects the boolean condition to be resolved at load time, and substitutes itself with one branch accordingly). I'm putting this in the backlog for now.

Awesome! Thanks :)

@7r3nzy I noticed that this is a reopened issue. Can you confirm if you are able to load the Silero model successfully on your end?