
The is a blogging website where user can see others post and only after login can create post, delete post, comment and likes on others post.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

About the Blogpost Application

  • A place to share the posts and read others post.
  • User can create, delete, as well as can edit the post.
  • He/she can likes and comment on others post after creating account.

Tech Stack Used

  • Material UI: Styling & Icons
  • MongoDB: For DataBase Management
  • ExpressJs: For BackEnd Routing
  • React: FrontEnd Developement
  • NodeJS: For BackEnd developement
  • Netlify: For hosting the frontEnd developement
  • Vercel: For hosting the frontent production

Material UI Mongo DB Express React Node JS Netlify React Router Redux JavaScript JWT Vercel


  • Desktop Preview


  • Mobile Preview


  • User Details:


  • Comment:


  • Credential Update:

Credential Update

  • SnackBar Alerts

SnackBar Alerts

  • Remember Me and Forgot Password

Remember Me

  • Scroll To Top Button

Scroll To Top