
Can't build easyhttp on windows using VS2017

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Brief overview

I am attempting to build easyhttpcpp on windows using the Visual Studio 2017

Expected behavior

POCO library builds fine but easyhttp is giving issue which is highlighted in

Actual behavior

Should be able to build easyhttp in Visual Studio

Steps to reproduce

Step 1. Build POCO 1.7.9 in VS2017 using CMAKE. Builds OK. I just need to use option File->Open->Folder and then point to POCO folder "C:\test\myprivate_external\poco" . This will generate CMakeLists.txt which upon right click gives "Build" and "Install" options.
Step 2. Then try building easyHTTP in VS2017 using same steps as above but it fails. I use VS2017->File->Open->Folder and then point to "C:\test\myprivate\easyhttpcpp\easyhttpcpp-2.1.0"
I was expecting to get CMakeLists.txt like step(1) but instead i run into errors mentioned at

Specifications like the version of the project, operating system, or hardware etc.

VS2017 on windows 10

Hi @sharma1981

Thank you for your interest in EasyHttp.
This might be related to #13 .

Could you please check if this helps?

Hi @shekharhimanshu

If you have time, Could you please update the wiki? Not only for building easyhttp on windows, also on OSX. Thanks!