
Precompilated Library C/C++-Api

Armin234 opened this issue · 6 comments

are there precompilated libs of the C/C++API for Windows ?

There is no precompiled libraries now, but we will consider releasing libraries.
I will let you know when it is released.

We're very sorry for late notice.
There is pre-compiled libraries including Windows platform.

Please use a library that matches the version of nnabla.

thanks for the precompiled libraries.
I already tryed your c++ example with the precompiled "", but at the line

nbla::Context cpu_ctx{ {"cpu:float"}, "CpuCachedArray", "0" };

I get always an "std::bad_alloc" exception, and I have no idea what's the problem ?

Thank you for checking, and we're sorry that it doesn't work properly.
We will confirm in some environment, please let us some time.

Hi TomonobuTsujikawa,
I made some more test and it seems to have to do with the "Debug Mode" I used in Visual Studio. When I compile my application in "Release Mode" the exception didn't appear.

Thank you for checking this issue!
We found that STL container does not pass correctly from cpplib to python on debug mode.
On our environment, access violation is occurred in _cpu_array_classes().

Please let us consider how we can overcome this issue (or workaround).