
Proposal: Add option to set bind IP for debugger

thieman opened this issue · 4 comments

My reading of this line is that currently the debugger only ever binds itself to This is a sensible default, but it makes attaching a remote debugger to a running v8eval instance impossible without layering on additional tooling.

Would you be open to making this configurable, probably as a constructor to EnableDebugger? If so I might look into providing a patch.

As an alternative for anyone else having this problem, you can run socat on the same machine as v8eval to forward a remote request through the local interface.

Certainly there is no need to reject remote debugger connections.
I think it's another simple solution to replace with
What do you think?

There is nothing in v8eval which makes the debugger run by default, is there? As long as that's the case, I think we could get away with defaulting to, but we would want to make it very explicit in the docs that we bind on all addresses.

v8eval never run the debug server until EnableDebugger is called. I will replace with and write it explicitly in the docs.