WebSDK packager with PhoneGap

For building WebSDK Packager you need to install following tools:
 * Eclipse PDE (Plug-in Development Environment) http://www.eclipse.org/pde/
 * NetBeans (>= 6.9) http://netbeans.org/index.html
 * Visual Studio 2008 Professional http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/results.aspx?freetext=Visual%20Studio%202008%20Professional%20Edition

Steps for building Eclipse Plug-in:
 * Start Eclipse
 * 'File'->'Import'->'General'->'Existing Projects into Workspace'
   * Select 'WebSDK Plugin' folder
 * Open new imported project
 * Open file 'plugin.xml'
 * Press button 'Export deployable plug-ins and fragments' (in the left-top corner)
 * Set 'Destination' as 'Directory'
   * Browse to 'Installer\Installation_Resources\eclipse plugin'
   * Press 'Finish'
 * Open folder 'Installer\Installation_Resources\eclipse plugin'
   * Move jar-file (WebSDK_Plugin_1.0.0.jar) from 'plugins' folder to parent folder
   * Remove folder 'plugins'

Steps for bulding WebSDK Packager:
 * Start NetBeans
 * 'File'->'Open Project'
   * Select source code root folder
 * 'Run'->'Clean and build project'
   * Move jar-file (WebSDK.jar) from folder 'dist' to 'Installer\Installation_Resources\WEBSDK JAR TO USE'

Steps for generating installer:
 * Start Visual Studio
 * 'File'->'Open Project/Solution'
   * Select file 'Installer\Installation_project_template\PhoneGapSetup\PhoneGapSetup.sln'
 * Select Solution 'PhoneGapSetup'
 * Press right mouse button and select 'Rebuild Solution'
 * Resulting file is placed in folder 'Installer\Installation_project_template\PhoneGapSetup\PhoneGapSetup\Release'