
Missing SW Binaries for XQ- DQ54(Yodo) Android 14 android-14.0.0_r30

gecko19 opened this issue · 2 comments

Platform: : Android 14
Device: : XQ- DQ54
Kernel version:
Android version: Android 14
Software binaries version:

Previously working on
Has this always been a problem, or is it a new issue?
New issue

. I am trying to build the Andoid 14, branch android-14.0.0_r30. However, the SW Binaries are not present in rgis location :, for the Yodo device.

Using Software binaries for AOSP Android 13.0– Kernel 5.15- Yodo (v2b) on Android 14 does not work and the device remains on the Sony splash screen.

We will provide the binaries for r30 as soon as they are ready
Thanks for reporting the issue
Best regards

The same seems to be the case for the Xperia 1 IV, at the time of writing.