Xperia 5 IV AOSP 13 building and flashing results in not working GSM, camera
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Platform: nagara
Device: pdx224
Kernel version: 5.15
Android version: android-13.0.0_r75
Software binaries version:
Previously working on
Has this always been a problem, or is it a new issue?
This is my first build.
I followed the AOSP 13 build steps from here.
Checked out branch android-13.0.0_r75, and doing lunch aosp_xqcq54-userdebug
followed by make. So pre-built 5.15 kernel.
I had to revert a commit, see #846
Resulting images:
~/android$ ls -l out/target/product/pdx224/*.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 100663296 Oct 8 11:41 out/target/product/pdx224/boot.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 480892 Oct 8 11:40 out/target/product/pdx224/dtb.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 25165824 Oct 8 11:40 out/target/product/pdx224/dtbo.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 283025592 Oct 7 20:09 out/target/product/pdx224/product.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 3185378 Oct 7 18:34 out/target/product/pdx224/ramdisk.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 18238881 Oct 7 19:24 out/target/product/pdx224/ramdisk-recovery.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 104857600 Oct 8 11:41 out/target/product/pdx224/recovery.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 porter porter 4976 Oct 7 18:34 out/target/product/pdx224/super_empty.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 421990608 Oct 7 20:13 out/target/product/pdx224/system_ext.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 897003812 Oct 8 11:43 out/target/product/pdx224/system.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 porter porter 6025540 Oct 7 18:34 out/target/product/pdx224/userdata.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 8192 Oct 8 11:43 out/target/product/pdx224/vbmeta.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 4096 Oct 8 11:43 out/target/product/pdx224/vbmeta_system.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 118 Oct 6 22:35 out/target/product/pdx224/vendor-bootconfig.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 5312512 Oct 8 11:40 out/target/product/pdx224/vendor_boot-debug.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 100663296 Oct 8 11:40 out/target/product/pdx224/vendor_boot.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 5312512 Oct 8 11:40 out/target/product/pdx224/vendor_boot-test-harness.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 127856812 Oct 8 11:43 out/target/product/pdx224/vendor.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 4814688 Oct 7 19:12 out/target/product/pdx224/vendor_ramdisk-debug.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 4586680 Oct 7 19:12 out/target/product/pdx224/vendor_ramdisk.img
-rw-rw-r-- 1 porter porter 4815076 Oct 7 19:12 out/target/product/pdx224/vendor_ramdisk-test-harness.img
Booted into fastboot, ran fastboot reboot fastboot
so it endered fastbootd.
Then flashed:
fastboot flash boot boot.img
fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
fastboot flash dtbo dtbo.img
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash vendor vendor.img
fastboot flash userdata userdata.img
fastboot flash product product.img
fastboot flash vbmeta_system vbmeta_system.img
fastboot flash system_ext system_ext.img
fastboot flash vendor_boot vendor_boot.img
fastboot flash vendor_dlkm_a vendor_dlkm.img
(The slot was by default slot_a)
fastboot flash oem SW_binaries_for_Xperia_Android_13_5.15_v4a_nagara.img
Before this, the device was running stock 64.1.A.0.913
I got promted by fastboot to clear user data and I did (from the phone).
AOSP 13 boots but immediately shows a dialog with "There's an internal problem with your device. Contact your manufacturer for details". GSM is not available (the SIM card was working on stock before). Camera doesn't start, immediately crashes.
There may be other missing HW functionalities.
How to reproduce
Steps above in description..
Additional context
Add any other context, e.g. upload logs or screenshots about the bug here.
Logcat until launcher is on screen:
Additionally, the fastbootd screen doesn't look very well now (not sure how it was before..):
logcat -b radio
is pretty short:
pdx224:/ $ logcat -b radio
--------- beginning of radio
01-01 00:00:07.918 880 880 D RILD : **RIL Daemon Started**
01-01 00:00:07.918 880 880 D RILD : **RILd param count=1**
01-01 00:00:07.919 881 881 D RILD : **RIL Daemon Started**
01-01 00:00:07.919 881 881 D RILD : **RILd param count=3**
10-07 19:24:06.147 880 880 D RILD : RIL_Init argc = 3 clientId = 0
10-07 19:24:06.150 880 880 E RILD : deviceInfoServiceModuleNr dlopen failed ERROR:dlopen failed: library "" not found: needed by /odm/lib64/ in namespace (default)
10-07 19:24:06.150 880 880 E RILQ : log to /data/vendor/radio/ril_log for QCRIL logging is not enabled
10-07 19:24:06.166 880 880 D RILD : RIL_Init rilInit completed
10-07 19:24:06.166 880 880 E RILC : RIL_register: RIL version 15
10-07 19:24:06.166 880 880 I RILC : s_registerCalled flag set, 1
10-07 19:24:06.166 880 880 D RILD : RIL_Init RIL_register completed
10-07 19:24:06.166 880 880 D RILD : RIL_register_socket completed
10-07 19:24:06.166 880 880 D RILD : joinThreadPool Stable AIDL
10-07 19:24:06.167 880 1308 D RIL_SAP : sap_register_service status=0
10-07 19:24:07.125 881 881 D RILD : RIL_Init argc = 3 clientId = 2
10-07 19:24:07.126 881 881 E RILD : deviceInfoServiceModuleNr dlopen failed ERROR:dlopen failed: library "" not found: needed by /odm/lib64/ in namespace (default)
10-07 19:24:07.126 881 881 E RILQ : log to /data/vendor/radio/ril_log for QCRIL logging is not enabled
10-07 19:24:07.142 881 881 D RILD : RIL_Init rilInit completed
10-07 19:24:07.142 881 881 E RILC : RIL_register: RIL version 15
10-07 19:24:07.142 881 881 I RILC : s_registerCalled flag set, 1
10-07 19:24:07.142 881 881 D RILD : RIL_Init RIL_register completed
10-07 19:24:07.142 881 881 D RILD : RIL_register_socket completed
10-07 19:24:07.142 881 881 D RILD : joinThreadPool Stable AIDL
10-07 19:24:07.144 881 1331 D RIL_SAP : sap_register_service status=0
10-07 19:24:34.994 1144 1144 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:35.378 1144 2590 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:35.620 1144 2591 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:35.623 1144 1144 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:35.654 1144 1144 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:35.676 1144 1193 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:35.690 1144 1144 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:35.700 1144 1191 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:35.729 1144 1144 D TelephonyRegistry: systemRunning register for intents
10-07 19:24:35.745 1144 1202 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:35.989 2828 2828 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:36.198 2653 2653 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:36.206 1144 1245 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:36.279 1144 2784 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:36.493 2653 2653 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:36.499 2653 2653 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:36.508 1144 2588 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:24:36.579 1144 1144 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:36.600 1144 1144 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyCellLocationForSubscriber: subId=2147483647 cellIdentity=null
10-07 19:24:36.603 1144 1144 D TelephonyRegistry: notifyCellLocationForSubscriber: subId=2147483647 cellIdentity=null
10-07 19:24:36.624 2828 2911 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:36.783 2828 2911 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:37.443 2828 2911 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:37.830 1144 1144 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:37.835 1144 1144 W CarrierConfigManager: Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
10-07 19:24:39.622 3009 3009 D TelephonyComponentFactory: validated paths: null
10-07 19:24:39.622 3009 3009 D TelephonyComponentFactory: Total components injected: 0
10-07 19:24:39.622 3009 3009 D TDC : updateOrInsert: inserting: Modem { uuid=modem, state=0, rilModel=0, rat={}, maxActiveVoiceCall=1, maxActiveDataCall=1, maxStandby=1 }
10-07 19:24:39.622 3009 3009 D TDC : updateOrInsert: inserting: Sim { uuid=sim, modemUuid=modem, state=0 }
10-07 19:24:39.623 3009 3009 D PersistAtomsStorage: PersistAtoms file not found
10-07 19:24:39.623 3009 3009 D PersistAtomsStorage: created new PersistAtoms
10-07 19:24:39.625 3009 3009 D MetricsCollector: registered
10-07 19:24:39.627 3009 3009 D CdmaSSM : subscriptionSource from settings: 0
10-07 19:24:39.627 3009 3009 I PhoneFactory: Cdma Subscription set to 0
10-07 19:24:39.627 3009 3009 I PhoneFactory: Network Mode set to 9
10-07 19:24:39.627 3009 3009 D RILJ : RIL: init allowedNetworkTypes=316295 cdmaSubscription=0) [PHONEnull]
10-07 19:24:39.631 3009 3009 E RILJ : getRadioServiceProxy: set MODEM for slot1 as disabled [PHONE0]
10-07 19:24:39.631 3009 3009 E RILJ : getRadioServiceProxy: serviceProxy == null [PHONE0]
10-07 19:25:37.827 1144 2741 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:25:37.840 4110 4110 D TelephonyComponentFactory: validated paths: null
10-07 19:25:37.840 4110 4110 D TelephonyComponentFactory: Total components injected: 0
10-07 19:25:37.840 4110 4110 D TDC : updateOrInsert: inserting: Modem { uuid=modem, state=0, rilModel=0, rat={}, maxActiveVoiceCall=1, maxActiveDataCall=1, maxStandby=1 }
10-07 19:25:37.840 4110 4110 D TDC : updateOrInsert: inserting: Sim { uuid=sim, modemUuid=modem, state=0 }
10-07 19:25:37.842 4110 4110 D PersistAtomsStorage: PersistAtoms file not found
10-07 19:25:37.843 4110 4110 D PersistAtomsStorage: created new PersistAtoms
10-07 19:25:37.845 4110 4110 D MetricsCollector: registered
10-07 19:25:37.846 4110 4110 D CdmaSSM : subscriptionSource from settings: 0
10-07 19:25:37.846 4110 4110 I PhoneFactory: Cdma Subscription set to 0
10-07 19:25:37.846 4110 4110 I PhoneFactory: Network Mode set to 9
10-07 19:25:37.846 4110 4110 D RILJ : RIL: init allowedNetworkTypes=316295 cdmaSubscription=0) [PHONEnull]
10-07 19:25:37.855 4110 4110 E RILJ : getRadioServiceProxy: set MODEM for slot1 as disabled [PHONE0]
10-07 19:25:37.855 4110 4110 E RILJ : getRadioServiceProxy: serviceProxy == null [PHONE0]
10-07 19:25:38.516 1144 2784 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:25:45.762 1144 4493 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
10-07 19:25:45.765 1144 2614 D TelephonyRegistry: listen oscl: mHasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
There is no such library in /vendor/lib64, and in /odm/lib64 there is a "similar" one
pdx224:/ $ ls -l /odm/lib64/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 197080 2024-07-31 15:33 /odm/lib64/
@jerpelea you mentioned the posibility of GSM working on A13 in #846 (comment) do you have an advice what to look for? Thanks!
for tests you can take the library from a stock image and compare the vintf with stock
I will add the missing lib in the next vendor.